Our billing system transition allows us to offer enhanced customer service features, 需要更改你的账号吗.
Your 新 account number adds a “1” in 的 front and drops 的 last 3 digits of your old account number!
If you had more than one BWSC account on 的 same property, your accounts may have merged.
Why do I need to re-register for AutoPay and/or 的 新 Customer Portal?
Our 新 billing system will afford you additional security measures to protect your privacy. We understand 的 frustration of re-registration, but it is much more secure!
我已经注册了自动转账. 为什么我的八月账单不能通过自动转帐支付?
由于我们的计费系统转换, all automatic payments were unenrolled to protect your security. The transition occurred at 的 end of August, before your August bill was due.
您可以在我们的新账户上重新注册自动转帐 Customer S精灵,S服务(CSS)门户网站将于9月4日星期三之后开放.
You may also make a one-time payment via our 新 QuickPay feature after Wednesday, September 4.
Delinquency charges will 不 be assessed on September, October, or November bills.
I’m a landlord and want to make payments on more than one of my linked accounts at 的 same time, 我能做到吗??
是的! 对于在一个所有者名下链接的帐户, 从CSS门户的首页选项卡, click 的 Make a Payment button – clicking that button from 的 首页 tab will allow you to make a multi-account payment. 请注意,如果您在帐户主页选项卡上, 的 Make a Payment button will only allow you to pay that individual account.
How can I register for 的 新 Customer S精灵,Service (CSS) portal?
What is 的 different between 的 Verification Code and 的 Activation Code, and where do I get 的m?
它们是两个不同的代码. 一封来自“微软代表BWSC”的电子邮件 验证 你的电子邮件地址是你的. 另一个在你新的BWSC账单上 激活 您的帐户在CSS门户.
I’ve completed 的 form but 的 Create button is still greyed-out, 我该怎么办??
You must verify your email address before you can create your CSS Portal account. Make sure you have typed your Verification Code in 的 box and clicked 的 Verify Code button.
I’m getting a “we failed 注册您的帐户” error when I try to sign-up for 的 CSS Portal – 我该怎么办??
Click 的 “You can review and change your credentials here” link to verify that you have typed your 新 帐号及 新 正确激活码.
另外,请确保输入了激活码 完全 as you see it; 的y are case-sensitive.
最后,确保你正在使用 激活 代码和 不 的 验证 在报名表格的最后一栏填上密码.
您可以在 CSS登录页面, by clicking 的 Forgot Your Password link in 的 lower-right corner of 的 form.
I'm a landlord and don't see all my accounts in 的 CSS Portal, why 不? 我怎样才能把它们联系起来呢?
If 的 owner's name and mailing address were 不 identical matches on all 的 properties in our last billing system, 的 accounts did 不 link toge的r in 的 新 billing system.
如需连结,请致电客户服务电话 (617) 989-7800. Once 的 accounts are linked, you will see all of your accounts in 的 CSS Portal.
Why can’t I see all my payments in 的 Payments History tab in 的 CSS Portal?
Payments from our old billing system only show up in 的 账单 tab of 的 CSS Portal. Payments in our 新 billing system will begin to show after you make your first payment.
我注册了CSS门户网站, but it doesn’t show my email address in 的 My Information tab of 的 portal or when I try to sign-up for E-Billing, 我该怎么办??
The email address you use to sign-up for 的 CSS Portal is separate than 的 email address BWSC has on file for your account. 它们可以是相同的电子邮件地址,也可以是不同的. You can add your email to your account inside 的 CSS Portal.
是的! For bills from our 新 billing system, you will be able to download a PDF of 的 bill itself.
Also, two years of billing history will be available in table-format. For your convenience, our 新 CSS portal allows you to export 的 history into Microsoft Excel.
I signed up for text message E-账单, will I be charged for those text messages?
消息速率和数据速率可能适用. Check with your mobile service provider for details on specific fees and charges that may apply for you.
请致电客户服务部 (617) 989-7800 附上你的帐号和付款详情. For example, did you make 的 payment through QuickPay or while logged-in to CSS?
Why is my delinquency assessed at 30 days instead of 45 days?
45天是BWSC季度结算的剩余时间. BWSC在1993年转为按月计费. 由于我们以前的计费系统的限制, 我们无法根据行业惯例更新拖欠率.
你有一个复合米, which was previously billed as 2 accounts as a compound meter is 1 meter with 2 registers.
由于我们以前的计费系统的限制, we could 不 combine compound meter usage per industry practices. Our 新 billing system combines 的 usage on your water service to more accurately reflect your consumption.
Why did I only receive 1 bill when I used to receive separate bills for 的 same property?
Our 新 billing system streamlines your bills by showing all services provided at one property.
如果你在一个属性处有多个米, you will now receive 1 bill showing multiple water services.
每个供水系统都有一个水表. 每个电表的耗电量是单独计算的. Your 新 bill shows 的 reading, usage, and consumption history by meter.
我还能得到下水道净化设施吗? 它将如何运作??
是的! Our 新 billing system enhances 的 data provided about your sewer abatement credit and provides 的 credit in 的 month it was earned. It will now appear on your bill as a sewer abatement service. The sewer abatement’s current consumption and meter readings will also display on your bill.