BWSC有许多规定, 管理其用水的政策和准则, Sewer, 以及雨水排放系统. 如果你正在规划新的建筑, renovating one of Boston’s historic properties or any work on the water, Sewer, 或者雨水系统, 你必须熟悉这些规定, 政策, 和指导方针. 下面是这些文档的列表和下载链接.
Covers all billing and collection charges for water and Sewer services. 除了, these regulations describe the conditions necessary for BWSC to terminate these services as well as the disputes and appeals process.
Governs the use of the public and private Sewers and storm drains in the City of Boston. 这些条例的目的是保护公众健康, 安全, 和福利以及保护环境. The regulations are divided into 9 Articles/Chapters as follows: Import of 规定, General Provisions and Definitions; Use of Sewers; Building Sewers, 风暴排水, Connections and Appurtenances; Requirements for Design and Construction of Facilities; Discharge requirements, Prohibitions and Restrictions; Industrial Discharge and Pretreatment; Enforcement; Adoption; Penalties.
Governs the use of the public and private water facilities in the City of Boston. 这些条例的目的是保护公众健康, 安全, and welfare and to ensure proper and safe operation of BWSC’s water distribution facilities. The regulations are divided into 9 Articles/Chapters as follows: Import of 规定, General Provisions and Definitions; Use of 水 and 水 facilities; 水 Service; Private Fire Protection; Cross Connections; Private Wells; Enforcement; Appellate Procedures; Import and Adoption.
Read about the Boston Public Health Commission's regulations regarding the industrial, 灌溉, 地热, 而人类消耗水井的水, 于十月十七日修订, 2013.
BWSC受国家管制, 联邦和地方法规, 有关水的政策和指导方针, Sewer, 以及雨水排放系统. Below is a listing of some of the requirements applicable to the BWSC systems.
In 2012, BWSC filed a consent decree settlement with the 环境al Protection Agency (EPA), 司法部, 马萨诸塞州环境保护部, and the Conservation Law Foundation to enhance its ongoing efforts to comply with the Clean 水 Act and to clean and revitalize Boston Harbor and its tributaries, 包括查尔斯, Neponset, 和神秘河.
The 同意法令 expands the role of BWSC as an environmental steward for Boston’s waterways. BWSC has met or exceeded the benchmarks set by the 同意法令 and will continue to fulfill its commitments. The short-term and long-term measures are designed to improve water quality, 提高公众意识,保护环境.
- BWSC建筑工地检查和执行计划
- BWSC工业设施污染预防计划
- BWSC第一阶段BMP实施计划
- SSO紧急响应计划(SSOERP)
- 暴雨BMP指南
- BMP建议报告
- BWSC Sub-Catchment Prioritization and Schedule for Completion of Investigations
The National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit program was created in 1972 by the Clean 水 Act (CWA). It addresses water pollution by regulating point sources that discharge pollutants to waters of the United States.
The CWA prohibits entities from discharging pollutants through a point source, 如联合Sewer或雨水排水口, 变成“美国的水”,除非他们有NPDES许可证. The 环境al Protection Agency (EPA) issues NPDES 许可证 for Massachusetts. 许可证载有许可证持有人可排放的物质的限制, 监控和报告要求, and other provisions to ensure that the discharge does not impair water quality.
EPA has issued two NPDES 许可证 to BWSC: a Combined Sewer Overflow (方案) and an 雨水 NPDES Permit.
BWSC's current 方案 NPDES Permit requires that BWSC comply with the EPA's Nine Minimum Controls and prohibits overflows from combined Sewers in dry weather. Any overflows in dry weather, a rare occurrence, are reported to the EPA within 24 hours.
方案 NPDES许可证还要求BWSC提交年度报告. These reports have been submitted to the US EPA and Massachusetts Department of 环境al Protection since 1990.
Over the past several years BWSC has developed a web page that identifies when BWSC's 方案 outfalls discharge.
BWSC的雨水许可证于1999年由美国环保署颁发. 根据雨洪许可证, BWSC is required to develop and implement stormwater pollution prevention and management programs that are designed to reduce the discharge of pollutants to the municipal storm drainage system to the maximum extent practicable.
除了, BWSC is required to report annually to the EPA and the 马萨诸塞州环境保护部 regarding the status of its pollution prevention and stormwater management programs. The annual report provide summaries of stormwater mangement activities undertaken by BWSC including, 排水口筛选的描述, 监控, 以及非法连接补救计划. Also included are BWSC's annual expenditures for stormwater programs and assessments of structural controls.
In accordance with Massachusetts 水 Resources Authority (MWRA) Sewer Use 规定 municipal users of the MWRA Sewer system must obtain and remain in compliance with a 市政排污许可证 issued by MWRA.
The MWRA 市政排污许可证 is issued annually to each of the 45 Municipalities discharging to the MWRA Sewerage System. The 市政排污许可证 is subject to MWRA Sewer Use 规定 360 CMR 10.041-10.048,并规定:
- 与水务局污水渠的特别及公共接驳线
- The submittal of various reports and notifications related to Infiltration/Inflow, 方案, septage; management and Sewer system operation and maintenance
- 联合签发MWRASewer使用排放许可证
- 污水排放
- 污水渠使用费
- 污水系统维修
- The discharge of toxic or hazardous materials such as pesticides and paints (prohibited)
- MWRA地役权范围内的许可
- 排放污水系统清洗后的残余物(禁止)
- Municipality must not allow discharges from a root\vegetation control project for its Sewer maintenance program to enter its sanitary Sewer unless it has a written authorization from the Authority
- Discharge from the installation of a cured-in-place pipe (CIPP) liner into a pipeline as part of a Sewer rehabilitation project into the Municipal or MWRA Sewerage system is prohibited, 除非获市建局授权